![HWPS-new-logoCIRCLE Hackham West School](
Curriculum Information
We are committed to providing a quality teaching and learning environment and continuous improvement culture with our programs and practices. We have high expectations for all our students at Hackham West School. The Australian National Curriculum forms the basis of our curriculum with a strong commitment to Literacy and Numeracy.
Whole-class initial instruction is an evidence-based whole-class literacy program providing all children with the essential core knowledge and strong foundations to become successful readers and writers. InitiaLit is a three-year program, covering the first three years of school.
MiniLit and MacqLit:
Are intensive support programs for students who need additional help with their reading. Provided by trained SSO’s with students receiving four sessions per week.
Special Education Support:
We have a dedicated Special Education Co-ordinator who works with teachers, parents and students to ensure students with disabilities are accessing all levels of support needed at school and home. This role also provides 1:1 and small group support during the day to ensure student learning is progressing.
ON-SITE Speech Pathologist:
We have a two day per week on-site Speech Pathologist to work with teachers and observe students to offer the best possible practice for learners with speech and language difficulties.
CELF-4 Screening:
All students have access to speech and language screening when they enter our school. This is used to support their academic growth and ensure programs are adapted to their current developmental needs.
Walker Learning:
Walker Learning is a holistic teaching and learning approach that is developmentally and culturally appropriate for children. It provides time for children to actively investigate a range of skills and experiences for life, either through planned play or projects, depending upon their age and stage of maturity.
P.E. Health / Science – P.E. :
A specialist teacher runs health and Science five days per week. This involved a variety of games, skill development, social learning and healthy lifestyle components. This is also an opportunity to link students into after school sports and other sporting clubs. Science is a hands-on learning experience for all students R-7.
Department for Education
trading as South Australian Government Schools
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